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HO Scale Model Trains1 of 107Varney TrucksHObbyline 1956 train set #426, the PRR " The Hot Shot."
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (63 items)

    My newest restoration. Never thought I would pursue one of these locomotives because the layout to run one would have to be HUMONGOUS! The PRR S1 class 6-4-4-6 #6100. Built by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1939, it measured in at 140+ feet long. Bigger than the famous Big Boys on the Union Pacific. Correctly nicknamed 'The Big Engine' the locomotive was assigned to the 'race track' between Chicago, Ill and Crestline, Ohio. Unofficially recording speed records of 140mph. At a recent local model train show I stumbled on the remnants of a brass HO scale model of this locomotive. An NJ Custom Brass model. No price on it but as the seller and I were talking about it he said he was taking offers. I don't make offers because the item is not mine to set a price. So I asked him what he would like for it. Well, I now own it. The price? Just say my lunch that day was nearly the same. Really! Yeah, it was missing parts as you can see, but in less than two weeks I found those very hard to get needed parts for the restoration. It is now cosmetically restored to what you see here. It will display nicely in the collection of other locomotives.

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    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
    2. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 2 years ago
      The Pennsy really did things in style!
    3. sambo42xa sambo42xa, 2 years ago
    4. RVolskay RVolskay, 1 year ago
      One of the lesser known, but rather exotic, locos of the PRR. I’d bet you shelled out just as much, or more, for the parts! Beautiful model, of a beautiful locomotive!
    5. Lata Lata, 1 year ago
      Amazing Loco ! and a great restoration work.

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