Posted 2 years ago
(218 items)
Here's an Indonesian brass betel leaves or cigaret can engraved with patterns and Hinduistic shadow play figures from the 'Wayang kulit' theater. 'Wayang' means shadow and 'kulit' means leather in Indonesian, with reference to the material the figures are made of. Made in Indonesia, Java, Surakarta or Yogyakarta (central Java), 1890-1920, according to experts I've consulted. Hight 9.5 cm.
The plays are mostly based on the Hindu poems Mahabharata and Ramayana. The figure here is probably Arjuna, a hero from Mahabharata and a favorite for his noble character. The lid fits airtight and the engravings are of the best quality.
I found it many years ago at a local flea market and since the seller didn't know anything about it, I got it for the equivalent of USD 7. Quite a bargain. I use it for paper clips on one of my desks.