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Fenton/LG Wright Bedside Lamp - Milkglass Base - Amethyst/Purple Glass

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (308 items)

    I was standing in front of the lamps at the thrift store, when I saw this lamp. It was in my hand before I knew I had it! Snatched! LOL. It was a Bedside Lamp, with an Amethyst/Purple glass body and an Iconic Milk Glass Base. The switch was shot so I replaced it and installed a chrome Socket Cover which matches the chrome touches on the lamp. This is a beautiful little lamp.
    Thanks for stopping by.

    Thanks to TallCakes for the ultimate ID. which is Fenton/LG Wright Violet Opalescent Coin Dot Lamp. Mine no longer has the top "coin Dot" and has been converted to shade with harp.

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    1. Deano Deano, 2 years ago
      I'd like to thank all those who visited or Loved my Lamp: Newfld, dav2no1, BHIFOS, Falcon61, mikelv85, fortapache.
    2. Deano Deano, 2 years ago
      Thanks to all for visiting and the Love, vetraio50, Watchsearcher, kwqd.
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      I really love the base which I have not seen for such a long time, I had forgotten all about it. Congrats on this beauty !~
    4. Deano Deano, 2 years ago
      Thanks Phil. When I found it, it was dirty inside and out. Cleaned it when I did the socket. Cleaning that base was the easy part. I now have this on the top of my fav lamps list. Thanks again.
    5. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 2 years ago
      OMG that purple is fab!!! I love, love this!!!
    6. TallCakes TallCakes, 2 years ago
      would lean toward Wright/Fenton on this one...
      another example:
    7. Deano Deano, 2 years ago
      I am stunned. Thanks Tallcakes. I got my info from a lamp site. Thanks again.
    8. Deano Deano, 2 years ago
      Thanks to all for the visit and love. Watchsearcher, vetraio50, fortapache mikelv85
      Falcon6, BHIFOS, dav2no1, Newfld and TallCakes.

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