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Northwood Rose Show Blue Opalescent Dish

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (1 item)

    The more I learn about this...the more impressed I am with it. I would appreciate any input as to the color. I believe it's blue, but does anyone know if it's a certain shade or if it has a name? I am having trouble finding much information on it.

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    1. CWfan CWfan, 15 years ago
      Nice color! Have you checked the Hall of Fame websites or Interviews listed on the Northwood or Carnival Glass pages?
    2. Riley, 15 years ago
      Thanks...I will check those. I'm a novice.
    3. Riley, 15 years ago
      I may need to try to sell this piece to pay for some vet bills. Any idea where to start price wise? I don't wish to sell and won't if I can find another way to meet my responsibilities.
    4. 5hills, 15 years ago
      You have a blue opalescent rose show bowl made by The Northwood Glass Co.
      Circa 1900- 1910. Value $125.00 - $225.00
    5. Sam Joyce, 14 years ago
      Number 4 is isn't carnival glass, it isn't irridized....!!!
    6. Riley, 14 years ago
      I realize it's not carnival. Was having trouble with the color. I have not seen another one to compare to but as it says in 4 I will go with the blue. A dealer in my area called it aqua opal but I am thinking that was incorrect.
    7. Paul71 Paul71, 14 years ago
      Aqua opal usually refers to carnival glass, though it's not completely incorrect to call this by that name. I'd call it blue opalescent. It's no different in color than other items Northwood made in this color. It just so happens that this pattern was sometimes iridized. This is the base glass to aqua opalescent carnival glass (obviously without the iridescence).
    8. Earl, 13 years ago
      I am trying to determine the maker of a white milk glass, Iredescent, ruffled and 3 footed bowl. After days of searching I found the bowl and it was identified as a vintage Westmoreland milk glass ruffled footed bowl, grapes. The Westmoreland bowl has the exact same dimesions and grape and foot design. The problem is it is not iresdescent (no pinks or blues in the color), but rather just milk white. The site stated that the Westmoreland bowl would be marked "WG", mine is not. I am really lost becasuse the grape and leaves designs also appear identical. I assumed this was carnival glass, but because ther is no trademark I can't determine who this is. Can you help, or steer me in a direction where I might find the answer.
    9. juliemcadams43 juliemcadams43, 12 years ago
      That is so pretty

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