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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1232 items)

    I had a request to post pictures of my furry friends. Well here they are. Fiona 4 is my pure breed Scottish terrier. A gift from my sister about a year after my Scottie Mitzi died just short of her 15th birthday in 2018. Fiona was 11 months old when she came from Anstamm kennels in Kalamazoo Michigan. A bit older than most puppies she was being sold for a fellow breeder through Anstamm. She has an impressive pedigree but not enough show quality so the puppies are sold as companion dogs by the breeder. She is very sweet and almost never barks but does grumble a bit if she hears something. My long hair tabby Sophie and Fee were pretty much raised together. Fiona treats her like her puppy and mothers her. Sophie wandered into my nephews yard while the kids were out playing as a kitten. They all have allergies so they called good old Uncle Mike to give her a home. My orange tabby Jules Verne is 2 and came from the APL up the street a little over a year ago. He had to get used to the dog and Sophie who bullied him something awful.He's twice her size too. She made it quite clear she was the boss and he was NOT welcome. Separate rooms and gradual introductions took a while. The dog could have cared less either way. Still and all a year later it's fairly harmonious as the pictures show. I had just been pet free less than a year an swore never again. It's just so heart breaking to lose them. So here I am with 2.0 versions of all my former friends which will probably out live me ! -Mike-

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     Large Antique Chinese 18thC Qianlong Period Blue Glaze Frog Kendri Ewer, NR
    Large Antique Chinese 18thC Qianlo...
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    1. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      What a fine looking furry family! It's great that they all get along. As a past parakeet owner, after three strikes we just couldn't bear the heartbreak so kudos to you for starting again (and truly, pets bring us alot of joy, I think it's wonderful, but know you'll always have a place in your heart for your past pups)
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Thanks for the "love" and comment. You are so right Jenni :)
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      They look so adorable I know they need kisses, glad I'm no where near them, I would want to take some or all home with me !~
    4. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Great looking family there!

      Here's a few of my pieces I think you'll like..

      And my dog family...
    5. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Hello Phil...thank you for the "love" and comment. There are days you'd be most welcome to them as with all sassy Hope you are well so nice to hear from you it's been a while my friend. -Mike-
    6. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Thanks for the"love" and comment Dave. Your's as well and the Scottie pieces are amazing ! -Mike-
    7. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      "Jules Verne is 2 and came from the APL" What is the APL? Enquiring minds want to know...
    8. DejaVu2 DejaVu2, 2 years ago
      They are so beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing your pet family with us! :)
    9. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Hi Dave..It's our local animal shelter "Animal Protective League" Jules replaced my other orange tabby girl Juliet. He has a cute little orange "stache" and "goatee" on his chin. So between that an the Animal Protective League (20,000) Jules Verne came to mind. My brain is weird that :)
    10. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Thanks are most welcome and thanks for asking about them ! :)
    11. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Ok..thanks for the explanation.
    12. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Thanks for the "loves" vcal, BHIFOS, Fort, Leelani, Drake47, Falcon61, Vynil33rpm and kivatinitz :)
    13. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Thanks for the "loves" Sean and Cisum :)
    14. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Thanks for the"love" kwqd:)
    15. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 1 year ago
      All beautiful Critters!! :)
    16. leesa3242 leesa3242, 1 year ago
      What a fabulous cute!!!

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