Posted 2 years ago
(1205 items)
10.5" high x 6.5" wide x 5" deep, about 5 lbs with glass eyes. Cannot find another example. Think it is resin. Nearly perfect condition. A $1 thrift shop find today. Signature and date appear to be etched by hand. The design label is dated 1974.
Such a handsome eagle, nice find Kevin
That's a Beauty...
$1.00... Incredible....
"Made in USA" .... Awesome!!
Fantastic find and price. I have a collection of different eagle pieces
Thanks for your comments, Jenni! Not really my thing, but too nice to pass by.
Thanks for your comments, Falcon61! It was marked $2.99, but after my discounts, it came out to about a dollar.
Thanks for your comments, dav2no1! I wish it had been in your local thrift shop!
Thanks for loving my iggle, kev123, Blueyecon, kivatinitz, Vynil33rpm, DejaVu2, Falcon61, mikelv85, Blammoammo, Jenni, Kevin and Drake47!
Thanks, Leelani, fortapache, vcal and Reise!
Thanks, Cisum and kivatinitz!
Thanks for the eagle luv, rgrebov!