Posted 2 years ago
(344 items)
A couple of years ago, we bought this figurine from Martín Cerdá, during one of the periods of non-essential business openings during the pandemic. He had it for a long time, I always liked the colors but it seemed expensive to me, I honestly don't remember how much we paid.
I must say that it is the first time that the details under the camera's lens disappoint me, perhaps this statement is too categorical. It is very modeled by hand, one sees it from the lack of straight lines, the color of the blanket that she has on the pink blouse is unusual in the figures….she is a timeless peasant, a modern figure around 1970 due to the bucolic style without no trace of rococo. The brand corresponds to the figures produced in Naples after 1925 according to the references that appear on the internet. It is strange, however, that being from that time it does not say Italy or Italy, I say that it is strange because of the style that is very similar to the drawings of shepherdesses or countrywomen from the 60s-70s, especially the design of the eyes, the funce of the blouse, the way she crosses her legs, her bare feet. Undoubtedly with a lot of manual elaboration in the Neapolitan style. Thank you as always for your encouragement in marking a love and comments are always very welcome
She is so delicate and lovely!
Thanks so much DejaVu2
The modeling and colors are wonderful !
Beautiful Capodimonte lady, she has a dreamy look & love the draped clothing
thanks so much mikelv85 and Newfld for your comments as always very kind of you
thanks for loving dav2no1, Watchsearcher, Newfld, vcal, vetraio50, fortapache
kwqdkwqd, mikelv85, Vynil33rpm and Cisum
She is so beautifully moulded and painted.
thanks so much racer4four for loving and commenting as always....
@vetraio50 thanks a lot for the love
thanks a lot for loving sherrilou and Leelani
jscotto363 thanks so much for the comment and love
Newfld thanks so much for the love....
SEAN68 thanks a lot