Posted 2 years ago
(260 items)
Black Gorilla Mold A Rama Souvenir Figurine Como Zoo
St Paul, MN
5 inch Wax Figure Souvenir made in a Mold A Rama machine.
I have an old Lion from the Duluth, MN Zoo from the 1960s somewhere.... just can't find it right now.
I'll settle for Mr. Gorilla for the moment.
Thanks Much for Looking!
Not my video... but.... Mold a Rama in action....
What a great post Falcon61 ! One of my fondest memories as a kid. When we lived in Michigan they had one of the Mold-A- Rama's in the Ford Rotunda in Dearborn, We'd go every Christmas to see the displays and Santa with my parents along with my aunt and uncle and my cousins. I always had to get one of whatever it was making. Can't remember what it was making at the time but it was a copper colored plastic in that one. The Rotunda was an amazing place, sadly it was destroyed by fire on November 9, 1962 after a roof fire spread quickly to the Christmas Fantasy display set up for that year. The fire consumed each of the 1963 Ford models which were on display, several one-of-a-kind “dream cars,” each valued at $100,000 in 1962, and $250,000 worth of Christmas decorations intended for the Winter Spectacular.
Looka likw he knows sign language, the closest I came to one was the 3000 pound one on top of the empire state in 1983 when they had him up !~
Thank You mikelv85 and PhilDMorris for taking the time to leave some great comments!
@mikelv85.... it's nice to stir up old memories from such a simple item. Collections can be very expensive, or they can be inexpensive that remind a person of events that took place in the past. I prefer the latter. I do appreciate the higher monetary value of some items that I can flip for a profit.... but.... I just don't care for them as much to call them keepers. :)
@PhilDMorris... cool... a gorilla and the Empire State Building go well together :)