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Vintage Hercules Powder Dupont Letter Opener and Advertising Card

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (259 items)

    Vintage Hercules Powder Dupont Letter Opener and Advertisement Card
    I was looking for another item to post for the 4th of July Weekend.
    This is the closest I could come to fireworks.
    I'm not much of a fireworks fan.... I see a couple go up.... ooh ahh .... then I'm pretty much ready to go home.
    I used to help my dad blast stumps on the farm..... blasting with more of a purpose... IMO.
    Again..... Happy 4th! Be Safe.
    BTW..... the stick of dynamite pictured is theater prop from a case I purchased a few years ago. :)

    Thanks Much for Looking at my Post!!

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    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      Another Explosive Post :)

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