Posted 1 year ago
(30 items)
You won't see many receivers with this name on them.
Appears to be a late-1970s model. Made in USA, too.
How about THAT??
Quotes and estimates of rated output vary widely,
some much higher than what I believe it is ---
around 75 watts per channel.
A lot of receivers in this era looked similar with the knobs and buttons and silver face. I have a Fisher and some Sanyos that looks a lot like this.
Yes, that was the beginning of the I-can't-tell-them-apart period.
Cars have the same problem.
I loved the old stereo gear, the stuff that was coming out when the Watts were going up. My favorites were the Pioneer SX - 1050 & SX - 1250. There was a lot of good gear out there. 75 watts back then was respectible.