Posted 2 years ago
(1 item)
Looking to be more educated about this coin that I acquired. I can't seem to find any information about this. Is it old or a reproduction? I have fixed the pictures. The coin is about 1 3/8" in diameter and it does not stick to a magnet. I have searched though Google and Ebay and have not found a match or even close. I am quite positive that it is real as it was in my Dad's collection of stuff. It being of the Gargoyle brand , still shocks me not to find any information. I am usually pretty good at hunting things down. In fact this is how I ended up on this site after seeing all the Gargoyle goods posted. Maybe during the week someone might know more about this.
Welcome to CW. Your pictures are kinda blurry. Some quick image and text searches I didn't see anything. Usually if there's a bunch for sale, you can guarantee some fakes. In this case I didn't even find any matches. So more research is needed.
Pictures look much better now. FYI if you go back and just edit the sides just a little and edit post and replace the images, often that enough to get them to upload correctly. If your using a phone to do this, the software doesn't always work great on phones.
Anyway.. I downloaded and turned the images upright then did some image searches using both sides, as well as text searches...I found zero hits. So I'm not either have something rare or you may have a fantasy piece?
I think you need to find a Vacuum Oil,Gargoyle lubricants, Mobiloil expert/collector that can help you. If you do find something, please come back and update us..
Ok, so after all that I switched browsers to Duckduckgo from Google and got a hit right away..
I did also find a tape measure from that era, so it looks like they had promotional items in that period..also found a calendar but it was 50s..
Thank dav2no1 for your detective work. I did sign up with Worthpoint to see what it said about it and it was basically one sold one Ebay 2019. No other information. The person who sold theirs got diddy, a ten fold. I guess it will just stay in the family. I will continue to try find out more if possible.