Posted 2 years ago
(76 items)
One of my favourite little tea sets , I believe it’s from England, (1950’s) registered design 877448. It’s a greenish blue colour ( robins egg ) with chrome cozies. I purchased it at a country auction many years ago, and when the young guy was delivering it to me in my chair, he picked it up by the cozy and the sugar bowl dropped out from below, smashing into many pieces . He had the most horrified look on his face, which I can still remember today.. I told him no problem. I would take the cozy for it anyway. A few years later I happened upon this lone Cozy-less robins egg coloured sugar bowl at a thrift store … perfect match/perfect color/perfect fit!!! Somethings are meant to be.! Just a lesson that perseverance pays off when collecting:)
That was very kind of you to treat the young man so nicely. Your kindness was rewarded!
Thanks for saying so watch searcher… if you’ve ever sat at a country auction all day, waiting for some thing you were loving and fortunate enough to win the bid you will understand that when it hit the floor I was crying inside lol but yes, I could certainly empathize with his horror and embarrassment . I didn’t want to add to that and I truly believe if something is meant to be, it shall be.