Posted 1 year ago
(259 items)
Liar.... Liar ..... Pants on Fire
Lie Detector Scientific Crime Game by Mattel (1960)
"You can tell it’s Mattel, it’s swell."
"Here are 24 is guilty of a crime! You are a
must discover the Criminal by checking the Testimony of suspects on the
Lie Detector. Putting together all your clues, you decide which Suspect is
the Criminal...and then arrest him (or her)! If you've arrested the right are promoted. Then a new round is played, with a new
Criminal. The first player or "Detective" to become "chief" is the winner."
Complete set down to the four plastic pegs that are usually lost after 63 years.
Nowadays, I take the official lie detector game part with me when I visit my brother.
Thanks Much for Looking at my Post!!
Love the cast of characters
Very cool vintage game, fun for the would be detective in us all (I for one love detective mysteries)
This pretty awesome!!
Thanks Much Sean68 for the "pretty awesome" comment! :)