Posted 14 years ago
(6 items)
I got this photo back in the early 60's. A girl I knew..her father was a photographer that traveled with the Beatles and he gave this to me. Is this the old background of American Bandstand? It looks sooo familiar to me and I have not seen another picture of them with this background or of them with a "mascot"...It's a fairly large photo too. This has bugged me forever that I don't know more about it after all these years. Any one have any ideas about it? Thank you for any help!
Hey not sure but would you be willing to sell this? Also do you have any other beatles items?
This photo is from a rehearsal for Blackpool Night out in August of 1965. You can Google it and see video from the actual performance, and stills from the rehearsal.
Thank you so much for clearing this up for me! I would have Never found it by myself! Back in the days when they were so popular, I was not the biggest fan but now as I hear more and more of their music, its like a walk down Memory Lane and I love their music now. Someday I might want to part with it, but for now..I think its nice to have. I was nine when it was given to me and I still remember that day as clear as yesterday. Thank you again!!
Taken on August 1,1965...