pspaws1 » collections




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Yucca Valley, CA

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  1. These are absolutely beautiful and in great shape! They look like "refrigerator" dishes that were given with the purchase of a refrigerator back in the day. I have a gray and yellow pitcher that is a ...
  2. Saw this on the Facebook connection and my first thought was a strange armchair lamp! Those look like weights to hold the lamp "steady" and the cloth wrapped cord suggests 1920's? I don't know..just a...
  3. Thank you also PhilDavidAlexanderMorris! :o)
  4. Thank you all for the kind words!! I have a few and will search them up. One or two of the old family pics look like "Bonnie and Clyde" types taken with the family car back in Kansas..I will see if I...
  5. Thank you for the kind words! One thing I forgot to mention is that my sweet grandson looked just like him when he was four also!
  6. You are welcome :) It brought back some memories to see that!
  7. What a lovely home and well loved too! :)
  8. When I lived in Greece back in the 70's, we had one for just that..telephone chair
  9. See more


Art Deco Window Bench ~ One of a kind? Kitchen stepstool The American Foursquare House...1895-1930 60's modern chair? Kolek - Enamel decor #1 Kolek Identify? Art deco shot glass set what is it ? a old chest i built in shop class My great-Grandmother as a little girl 1930's Spiffy Cola A Swell Drink 32 Fl Ozs Quart ACL Soda Bottle General Beverage Co. Detroit Mich.


Blue Glass Elephant


posted 3 months ago