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Kolek - Enamel decor #1 Kolek

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Bohemian Art Glass6723 of 6912Czech Spatter Glass vase, ca. 1930sWelz - Satin flashed decor
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (236 items)

    Seriously though... I need more information on this Czech/German producer. Almost everything is deco tango and cased with enamel applications. I have revisited the enamel pieces with the theory that the same blanks were used by many glass decorators, Kolek seems to be the name of this company that sold these glass pieces as their own.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. pspaws1 pspaws1, 13 years ago
      These are so pretty and unique! I did a search and came up with a result with information about them from a store in Palm Springs, CA.
      You should check it out!
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      There's a suggestion that he was a designer for Moser:
    3. ozmarty ozmarty, 13 years ago
      Your Kolek collection must beworth a fortune ...if this is to go by..
    4. jericho jericho, 13 years ago
      hahaha... marty, i remember when everything czech was thought to be moser, i guess its back in style. this doesn't seem to me to be related to anything moser because of the style of the enamel and the quality of the glass (poor)...and as for WW, i have never seen so much name dropping just to sell a piece swap meet glass.
      it does look good in a case and is affordable so who am i to poke fun at it.
    5. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 13 years ago
      Jericho - did you ever find out anything about this Kolek character?
    6. jericho jericho, 13 years ago
      my thought was a glass refinery that just enameled the generic blanks of tango.

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