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Blue Glass Elephant

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Art Glass22614 of 23533Blue and Purple glass bowlsArt glass "cactus"
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (60 items)

    It's vintage, I know that, but I don't know who made it. It's a bowl, the body is open. It's about 9" long.

    Can anyone tell me who made it?

    Mystery Solved
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    1. pspaws1 pspaws1, 13 years ago
      Well many years ago I used to go to Tiara Glass parties...this guy is a dead ringer for the elephant they used to sell! I never got the elephant but I sure have a lot of Ponderosa Pine dishes! :)
      If you put in a search on eBay for Tiara glassware elephant there are a few up for bid this week.
    2. TallCakes TallCakes, 13 years ago
      agreed; certainly look like the Tiara Elephant Candy sans the cover:
    3. alienmagnet alienmagnet, 13 years ago
      Thanks again! :-)

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