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Vintage Cast Iron Pekingese Still Bank

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (1016 items)

    Hello everyone!!
    My latest find is this wonderful vintage cast iron Pekingese still bank. This little fellow is so incredibly detailed and has a look you can’t resist. This one caught my eye, not only for his appearance, but for the way he was cast. This one is unique as his two front legs were cast separately from the body and then attached with screws after the fact. So, this would’ve been rather costly for the foundry to cast. The all original paintwork on this one is so well done too. This one was made sometime between 1930-1950, but there are no markings, so I don’t know who the foundry was that cast him. He measures 8” long, 5 1/2” tall and 3 1/2” wide. He’s quite heavy for his size and weighs 6.65lbs!!

    Thanks for stopping in to see my vintage cast iron Pekingese still bank!!


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    1. Newfld Newfld, 1 year ago
      Adorable cast iron Pekingese pup, his furry detailing is perfectly like the real one
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thank you Jenni!! I also have a smaller Pekingese that I'll be posting sometime in the near future.
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thank you all so very much for the loves, comment and for stopping in!!
    4. rlwindle rlwindle, 1 year ago
      I have had Pekingese dogs all my life, I love the breed, the bank is great.
    5. Kellymore Kellymore, 1 year ago
      Your Iron Dog is from Hubley Manufacturing Co. of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, founded in 1894. It began manufacturing cast iron toys around 1909. They were cast in sand molds in two parts and then riveted together. All were designed by John HUBLEY, glazed and kiln dried, or air dried with normal paint. Hubley closed in 1949. He maintained a design department for a time. These little animals were used as doorstops, which is why they are nicknamed "Doorstop", and today they are a collector's item.
    6. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thanks so very much for the information. I'm quite familiar with Hubley, as well as the other foundries that produced doorstops, still banks, etc.. I think you may be confusing this still bank version with the Hubley #454 Pekingese doorstop (way out of my price range). Hubley was well known for marking, or numbering, their castings and this one is not marked in any way, inside or out. It's also not listed in any of the Hubley catalogs that I own.
    7. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thanks so very much!!! I've never owned a Pekingese, just Dachshunds, but my neighbor has owned three and they were always the cutest little dogs.
    8. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thank you all so very much for the loves and for stopping by!!!
    9. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thanks kivatinitz for the love and for stopping in!!
    10. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thanks Vynil for the love and for stopping in!!
    11. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thanks Kevin for the love and for stopping in!!!
    12. kwqd kwqd, 1 year ago
      Nice. This post made me think of the similarly colored Pekinese, Tippy, that my family had when my twin and I were single digits in age. We were a little to hyper for Tippy, who was a "nervous" dog so my family gave her to a neighbor who treasured her. I have some puppy photos of Tippy, somewhere. I think she was a Christmas present to us.
    13. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thanks friend!! I've never owned a Pekingese, but my neighbor does and he's a cutie. He's 11 years old and starting to show his age.
    14. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thank you both very much for the loves, comment and for stopping in!!!
    15. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Thanks very much for the love and for stopping in!!

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