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Coro Vintage Partial Collection 1940's -1950's Continued

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Coro Jewelry190 of 213Coro Vintage Collection Continued 1940's-1950's Love the Frog!Coro Vintage Continued Partial Collection 1940's-1950's
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (9 items)

    The first set with the black enameling is a featured book set, but these are all signed Coro in script. The purple Aurora set is signed DES PAT PEND. The brooch is 1946 Patent on file as #145.628. The elegant Lily is signed Coro in script.

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    1. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      The purple Aurora set, oh my, the purple Aurora set!!!!
    2. ThymesGoneBy, 13 years ago
      Wowed Esther110? I was too those stones are so pretty. I called them peacock aurora so many flashing color's. Thank you for commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the set.
    3. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      Absolutely wowed!! These iridescent purple stones are my favorite!!
      See??? lol
    4. CinnaMomma CinnaMomma, 13 years ago
      Yes they are all fabulous, but I'd have to say my favorite is number 1, just gorgeous :)
    5. ThymesGoneByVintageJewelry, 13 years ago
      CinnaMomma, Thank you for the comment, that set is not one I've often seen. We love Coro costume jewelry, our next choice is W. Germany.
    6. ThriftStoreAddict ThriftStoreAddict, 13 years ago
      I just bought my first Coro last week. I'll have to post a picture of it.
    7. ThymesGoneByVintageJewelry, 13 years ago
      ThriftStoreAddict, I for one look forward to seeing you first purchase of Coro.
    8. oldhippee, 13 years ago
      I'm on the lookout for some Coro now! Such wonderful detail in these!!

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