Posted 1 year ago
(149 items)
The "Tour de Java" collectible coffee mug designed by Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau for Starbucks. Features: Four characters from Doonesbury are on the mug: Mike Doonesbury and Kim Rosenthal (who are dancing), Zonker (who is the barista and is actually wearing a bow tie), and Mark Slackmeyer (who is reading). The lower caption says, "M. Mark Slackmeyer avec ses amis, Montmartre, 1999" That's French for: "Mr. Mark Slackmeyer with his friends, Montmartre, 1999." Montmartre is a neighborhood in Paris, France. Near the top rim is the heading "Tour de Java" and below that is the name of the place they're all at, the Cafe Buzz in the 18th Arrondissement. (An arrondissement is an official city district in Paris, and Montmartre is in the 18th.) To the right of the handle is the legend, "1999 G.B. Trudeau/Starbucks Coffee Company." To the left of the handle, is Trudeau's familiar signature: "GB Trudeau". The proceeds from this mug, was to benefit local literacy programs.