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Drift Wood Art

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (845 items)

    Drift Wood Art

    Awhile back I was buying some items at an estate sale. It was the same estate I bought the parking meter head at. The seller had several bags of these small plastic seagulls. There was small ones and some a little bigger. Mom had a big box of driftwood that she used for her silk bonsai pieces.

    Living in western Washington state, I'm near the Puget Sound. We have tons of Western Gulls around. If you go to the local shopping malls near by, you will see crows and seagulls everywhere.

    This was pretty simple art, but it was a fun project. I like the 3-D effect and how the story changes with the perspective.

    "Gulls are members of a large, widespread family of seabirds. Often known as seagulls (though no species is actually called a seagull, and many are found far from the sea)"

    "The adult Western Gull has a deep gray back and wings, with black wing-tips that blend into the rest of the wing, unlike many species where the black is clearly defined. The underwing is white with a narrow band of gray. The head is mostly white, with a limited amount of brown streaking, especially in non-breeding plumage. The large bill is yellow with a red spot, and the eye is dark yellow. Like the other large gulls in Washington, the Western Gull is a four-4 year gull, meaning that it takes four years to achieve adult plumage."

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 1 year ago
      **Fun Seagull facts and links

      Seagulls are intelligent birds. ...

      These birds make great parents who are attentive and protective of their young. ...

      They have a complex system of communication, with a number of known calls that convey important information from one to the other.,gulls%20are%20pure%20Western%20Gulls.

    2. Newfld Newfld, 1 year ago
      Beautiful little seagulls, it's just as they look sitting by the seashore. We love to look at them at Jones Beach here on LI in summer
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      These are great!! I love driftwood art. Nice find!!!!
    4. dav2no1 dav2no1, 1 year ago
      Jenni - Thanks..I tried to use my imagination and memories to pose the birds like they would be naturally.
    5. dav2no1 dav2no1, 1 year ago
      Scott- thanks..I didn't find these, I made them.

      I get ideas stuck in my head and have a mental checklist ad I complete each piece.

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