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Quite a find - austrian art deco bronze dancer

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Art Deco1 of 4086Black AE 40 Monophone with Brushed Gold BandsRCA model  A 33 [all restored]
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (27 items)

    Most remarkable. At first i appraised it at 5000-7000$. A bit more research suggests that it could be worth 10x that price. Let me know your thoughts. Its heavy with marble base. Was unable to find an example with exact likeness. Ebay has one similar in marble bass for


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    1. keramikos, 1 year ago
      Jazzres, Beautiful.

      This looks like a twin:


      Bronze sculpture, after Demetre Haralamb Chiparus (French, 1886-1947). Titled, "Footsteps." An Art Deco dancer in Orientalist style uniform. Mounted on onyx and marble plinth. No apparent signature.


      This one looks like a near-twin:
    2. keramikos, 1 year ago
      Hmmm, this one has a different base, but is described as being signed:
    3. Jazzres Jazzres, 1 year ago
      Keramikos. Thanks for sharing your finds. Interesting research on some opulent eye candy. At first i thought these were in the category called cold painted austrian bronze figures bur learned that this was more of a thing of ivory and bronze. Here is an awesome documentary -
    4. keramikos, 1 year ago
      Jazzres, I just thought I'd follow up a bit more.

      Your figurine is beautiful; however, I suspect that, like one of the ones I linked earlier, it's not a genuine Chiparus, but rather an "after Chiparus" copy. Almost all of Chiparus' works are signed and have the mark of the foundry was well.

      Here's one sold by Christies:


      DEMETRE H. CHIPARUS (1886-1947)
      'Footsteps' A Patinated Bronze and Ivory Figure, circa 1928**
      on onyx base, edited by Etling
      23 in. (58.4 cm.) high
      base marked DH Chiparus and Etling Paris


      cf. A. Shayo, Chiparus Master of Art Deco, New York, 1999, p. 158, pl. 89. V. Arwas, Art Deco Sculpture, London, 1992, p. 65.
      B. Catley, Art Deco and other figures, Antique Collector's Club, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1978, p. 99.


      Here's that 1999 edition of the Shayo book cited:

      There are numerous editions of the book, but they're all kind of spendy, so you might want to see if you can get your hands on a copy through the interlibary loan system:
    5. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 1 year ago
      Jazzres, the documentary was very interesting! Thanks for posting this beautiful lady!
    6. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 1 year ago
      I want her!!!
    7. Jazzres Jazzres, 3 months ago
      It sold for just under 300$.

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