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Heisey by Imperial Glass Clydesdale horse

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (1491 items)

    Here is a 7 1-2"H x 7"W verde green glass Clydesdale horse that was originally designed by Thomas Heisey in the early 1940s. This reissue is from Imperial Glass ca early 1980s when the co was owned by Arthur Lorch, who changed their raised imprint to ALIG (shown on horse leg in last photo). Book excerpt is from Glass Animals by Spencer

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 1 year ago
      ~ Stunning ~ We need a OMG button here ....LOL
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Beautiful!! I must say, it's unique one. Clydesdales are just something you don't see often in the collectibles world.
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 1 year ago
      This is a true gem and it reminds me of car mascots using this horse as a special beauty !~
    4. leesa3242 leesa3242, 1 year ago
      So pretty....reminds me of the Trojan horse....beautiful!!!
    5. Newfld Newfld, 1 year ago
      Super thanks to everybody for the love for my special horse

      With heartfelt thanks to you all for your fabulous praise

      Rose, I have wanted this glass Clydesdale for years and when I finally got it I was totally gobsmacked! It is very heavy and so beautifully formed. Heisey always designed such heavenly animals

      Scott you are absolutely right, except for Budweiser ads this horse is rarely seen here, but they are a beautiful breed of horse. Although he mostly did promos Alpo dog food, I seem to remember Ed McMahon talking about the Clydesdales before a Budweiser ad for the Carson show, back in the day where they could show ads for alcohol beverages on TV

      Yes Phil I'm sure this horse would have made terrific car mascot, it is a very impressive & noble animal

      Leesa I agree wholeheartedly that it looks like the Trojan horse, particularly the style of the mane is very Greco-Roman. Real horse manes are so wild that most glassmakers seem to minimize them, for example glass horse bookend manes often have a braided look

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