Posted 1 year ago
(1507 items)
These three goldtone brooches are described as follows
Caterpillar, 2"L with pave white rhinestone head & body accents;
Dragonfly, 2"W with pearly green enamel wings and white rhinestones, and
Seahorse, 1 1-2"L with pave white rhinestones and one orange eye
Each brooch is marked 'Butler' for the Butler Fifth Ave Collection company of Canada, these are from the 1980s-1990s
To get 3 figural pieces is quite the catch, I'm in awe !~
These are all wonderful, but I love the dragonfly best.
i love the butterfly!! very beautiful all 3 of them
They would be fabulous worn in unison or by themselves. I like the catepillar! All are so pretty!
Nice little simple collection Jenni! All are beautiful but I will say the seahorse is my favourite, as all things sea creature is always really cool!
For the thoughtful love I thank you all
Very grateful to everyone for your wonderful comments
Phil, I love the co. Butler and their figurals are really pretty and different. I thought it would be nice to showcase a few together
Scott, the dragonfly has those beautiful green wings, it reminds me of the real ones
Sean, glad you liked them all together, they're so golden bright it was hard to tone them down! Glad you enjoyed the dragonfly too
DejaVu, the caterpillar was the first one I got in this set! It really has an intricate design & I was going to do a post of it alone, then these others came along
Lauren, you & me both, I'm a real seahorse lover and I'm always on the lookout for them. Though this one has a pretty face & a lovely openwork design it is rather small to be on its own so I had to give it some company :) There will always be more seahorses from me to come & I do have other ocean animals on tap for the future
Thank you Kevin & Faith for the love, it's most kind of you both and always grateful for your support
indeed very beautiful animals
Thanks so much kivatinitz for the love and sweet comment, I'm really pleased that you enjoyed this trio of Butler animals
Many thanks Thomas for loving this bunch of Butler animals, it always means alot to me when you stop by
Thank you vintageangel for the love, it is very much appreciated!