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Wood Carved Deity

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BHIFOS's loves1308 of 4973Restored Like New- My Great Grandparent's Monitor Top Trunk- 1890s- Before and After PicturesFenton Glass * Hen on Nest Covered Candy Dish * Electric Amethyst Carnival * 8"
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (845 items)

    Wood Carved Deity

    I love wood carved objects. I picked this up awhile back, but forgot to post it.

    This is an Indonesian piece depicting Vinshu riding Garuda. Although it could be from a few other countries.

    Vishnu Riding Garuda
    "Garuda is a bird creature from Hindu mythology that has a mix of eagle and human features. He is the vehicle (vahana) of Vishnu and appears on the god's banner. Garuda represents birth and heaven, and is the enemy of all snakes. In Indian art, Garuda gradually acquired more human form over the centuries and so maintained only his wings. In Cambodia, he retains the great talons and vicious-looking beak of a bird of prey. Garuda is a national symbol of India, Indonesia and Thailand."

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 1 year ago
      A great piece of treen and Thai art, magnifique !~

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