Posted 11 months ago
(418 items)
Got this one from the local hospice shop. The glass is very dark really needs to be on a windowsill with the sun behind it.
The body is mainly red with yellow/orange stripes and at the mouth red inside with a white and blur ring.
It must be an "Art Piece" as there is no way the slender handle would last if it was used as a jug!
I have no idea where it is from but doesn't look like the Chinese stuff that seems to be turning up everywhere you look.
Has anyone any ideas, I feel I have seen something similar elsewhere but just can't remember where.
Google object search doesn't help :)
380mm high, 200mm wide and 130mm deep but not heavy for it's size. the base where you would expect a pontil is smooth but not ground flat.
"the local hospice.."? Does this have a different meaning in your country? Cool vase..
Very cool vase indeed!!!
oops missed out the "shop" bit, where they raise funds from items donated.
How cool it that, Very nice.
Not sure what it means in the US but here a Hospice is for people on their last days/terminal illness a bright cosy place but with all the medical care too.
The Hospice shop is a fundraiser for the Hospice.
It means the same here, a place for end of life care. Don't know if they have shops there (though most large hospitals do have), very nice that yours raises funds for the hospice