Posted 12 months ago
(1207 items)
This vase is 11" high and was made using several techniques (according to the artist's web site), hot dipping, etching, cutting, grinding, polishing, etc. The artist is Craig Campbell who has been a glass artist since around 1977. This vase was made in 1986 and is signed and dated on the lower edge. The bottom was ground flat and polished. There is significant wear to the bottom. Very heavy, at 7 pounds 11 ounces.
At the very bottom of the piece a pair of kissing birds (lovebirds?) are etched which the artist told me are purely decorative, not suggestive of any event or occasion.
Very typical of the artist's work is one or more paper tags on the bottoms of his pieces, one a price tag and another a series of numbers and letters which may be some sort of inventory system.
The lavender color in this piece is very 1980s, so from that perspective this piece is a bit dated, but the textures and etching must have been a real attention grabber at the time and still are. I think that is what holds this piece up today, despite the color. A very interesting piece. Better images coming.....
The artist has a web site:
From the artist: "Glass source is Littleton Batch using pretty exclusively Kugler Rod and Frit for colors."
Gorgeous lavender color & great design, what a super find
Thanks for your comment, jscott0363! I am on the fence about how beautiful it is. Interesting, certainly!
Thanks for your comments, Jenni! CC made/makes some very unique art glass.
Thanks for loving my CC vase, Jenni, Leelani, Kevin, vcal, jscott0363, fortapache, BHIFOS, sklo42and dav2no1!
Thanks, mikelv85, kivatinitz, and Cisum!
Thanks for taking a look, Drake47 and Reise!
Updated images. Lavender a bit washed out due to lighting but close to correct color. The depth of the etching is more evident in these images.
Thanks for checking out my Craig Campbell vase, mp.kunst!
Thanks, SEAN68!
Thanks, vintagelamp!