Posted 11 months ago
(1491 items)
Here is an 8 1-2" orange or sea coral glass octopus with white accents, elongated head, two B&W eyes, and eight appendages (arms),also with clear glass suctions as seen on underside. Made by Dynasty Gallery Glass of San Francisco CA w/ clear label
look like our night octopus, very nice
Nice Octopus.
They are very clever animals and I did like eating them once in Chinese food then found out how intelligent they are so no longer on my menu.
I never see too many octopus animals and most people love them. This one is a beautiful rendition and the colour is out of this world !~ the colour.
Absolutely stunning octopus Jenni! He's a BEAUTY!!
Many thanks for the octopus love
Thank you all for your wonderful comments & praise
Leelani, that is such a super comparison, the Hawaiian 'night' octopus colors range from peach to orange, perhaps the basis for this glass model
Bernard, they are very intelligent sea animals, some scientists compare them to extraterrestrials, says wiki :) I love seafood but was never a fan of pulpo (an Italian octopus dish often cooked on New Year's) which I found too rubbery, unlike squid which I like. Maybe we are doing the octopus species a favor not eating them as they are somewhat endangered
Phil, this was the nicest glass octopus I've seen and I love that natural color, I was wondering why they make alot of blue glass ones but found out there are blue octopus and they can be deadly to humans
Leesa, I'm really glad you liked this color as well
Scott, I agree it's a beautiful design and Dynasty made it very realistically with the flowing eight arms, slitted eyes, and of course that weird shaped head which really does look otherworldly and reminds me of the Kanamit alien in that great Twilight Zone episode 'To Serve Man' :)
Thanks so much sklo42 for the kind love of this glass octopus, it was nice to find an unusual ocean creature & I'm really glad you liked it
Sean thank you ever so much for the love for this and my other posts today, you are truly thoughtful and it means alot to me always :)
Glad you enjoyed my glass octopus Steptoe and truly appreciate the love
Thanks ho2 & Faith for the love, really glad you both liked this octopus and always appreciate your kind consideration
very very impressive it seems alive
Thank you kivatinitz for the love and very kind comment, it really does look alive with those flowing arms right :)
I think that this is my favorite! Love the color and everything about it!
Thanks so much vintagelamp for your super comment, I am delighted that this is one of your favorites of my posts. I thought it was a very realistic sea animal for a post, it's always great to find something different
Thanks Sean & vinetia for the kind love for this octopus, it's very thoughtful of you both & greatly appreciated
Thanks for the love Leesa, it's my one and only glass octopus & I'm really happy that you liked him!