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Heisey by Mosser Glass elephant

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    Posted 11 months ago

    (1491 items)

    Here is a 4 1-2"H x 4 3-4"W red glass elephant that was originally designed in the mid-1940s by Royal Hickman for Heisey Glass, first acquired by Fenton Glass, and this reissue in red by Mosser Glass with their raised M imprint under hindquarters

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    1. DejaVu2 DejaVu2, 11 months ago
      Another beauty added to your FABULOUS art glass animal collection!
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 11 months ago
      I love this desgn in motion, superb colour !
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 11 months ago
      Very cute elephant and with that lucky trunk up!!
    4. Newfld Newfld, 11 months ago
      Truly appreciate the kind love, thanks so much

      DejaVu you are too kind my friend, I'm so happy that you enjoy my glass animals!! I've been trying to find more varieties and different co's to add to the mix, keeps me from getting bored & you guys as well I presume :) Many thanks for your awesome compliment

      Phil he does seem to be in motion at that, perhaps waving his trunk after a water bath, or at the audience if he was in a circus :) Though animals are outlawed in the major circuses there are still small regional ones that have them, just last week an elephant escaped from one & trotted across traffic, luckily everyone braked for that huge fella! Thanks so much for your wonderful praise

      Scott I especially love the trunk up elephants, my grandma always believed they were lucky & she loved all kinds of good luck items including a golden cricket I inherited lol. Thank you for your super kind words and finding this guy cute
    5. Newfld Newfld, 11 months ago
      Very glad you liked this red glass elephant Sean & thank you very, very much for the love

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