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Double Trouble Glass Whanganui

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    Posted 11 months ago

    (418 items)

    Whanganui is the self styled "Art Destination of New Zealand". In March for the last few years they have held an Artists Open Studio fortnight. Whanganui only has a population of 42,800 but on the open weekend 94 artist studios were open so I suppose they can justify the claim.
    I almost missed it but I was travelling through to a steam fair further south on the first weekend and found it was on. I had been told about it around Christmas but had forgotten :(
    Of the 94 about 6 are glass artist so I loaded up the scooter and headed down on the next weekend for the last day.
    Double Trouble is a collaboration between two ladies Rosalind Fitz Patrick and Marion Grinstead who do fused glass and I thought what better to put my nice art glass drinking glasses on but a couple of beautiful coasters.
    The patterns aren't painted on but individual pieces of colour fused together in a kilm. The ingredients they have at hand included plate glass, thin rods and powders.
    The red one is by Rosalind and the green/yellow by Marion, this one looks like she fused the glass squares in strips cut them, rearraged and then fused again.
    Last photo is all the pieces I purcased that day..........more posts to come!

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 11 months ago
      They are all so beautiful, I esp love that green-yellow asymmetric piece it could be wall art! Fused glass is fascinating & I'm getting some in animal shapes to come
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 11 months ago
      Cool stuff..
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 11 months ago
      The piece looks like stairs and forms a piece of 3d design, such a beaute !
    4. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 10 months ago
      I hadn't noticed it before but your're right Phil if you look at it a certain way it does look like stairs.

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