Posted 10 months ago
(2088 items)
Hello I just rediscovered this old tea/coffee pot,I don’t remember where or when I found this but it’s got loads of clear marks and looks in great condition, I’ve just washed it but wondering if I should get the polish out. Can anyone tell how old it is?
Those marks up by the handle are the important ones as they look to be the silver assay marks, these can tell you the date made and will also prove it to be solid silver.
Use the link below to interpret them. Note W&H where from Sheffield.
if it is solid silver you can polish away knowing you won't break through the plating to the base metal :)
I believe it's silver plate.
Unfortunately pieces like this are really down at the moment. There are people asking ridiculous prices while the same piece can be bought for under $20. Pack it back up and wait for a better market. Or just enjoy it.
Thanks dav Bhifos , the marks by the handle is wh & another wh in a flag, I think this is a plated copy, the solid silver ones are big money, this is in good condition as has no dings or dents but more for decoration, shame it’s not worth too much