Posted 9 months ago
(17 items)
Hi everyone I'm back, (lots of procrastination and some issues) but I'm okay. I recently went to a antique store/flea market. I was in there for 2 or 3 hours (felt like 20 minutes) they had lots of vintage and antiques in there it was amazing. I saw this baby doll sitting on a chair alone so I picked her up to look. She's marked effanbee and has a hole in the mouth that pushes air out when you press her tummy. And a hole on her top right bum bum. (she's a squishy soft rubber) She was very cute I couldn't leave her, got her for 5 bucks :) I'm not a rubber doll expert, can someone tell me the year she was probably made? Also I don't know if this is her original dress and bonnet.
I will clean her up and post again!
Saturday, May 11th 2024
Hi there! She's such a beautiful vintage doll, I hope you can find put more about her here. Lovely find and post
She is a drink and wet Effanbee , Feed her a bottle of water and she wet her diaper :-) Not sure if she had a name other than . Drink and Wet baby doll. So CUTE and her outfit is precious !
Dates late 50-60s and she is Vinyl not rubber . I am not sure dress is original either but it looks good one her . Nice buy !
Dates late 50-60s and she is Vinyl not rubber . I am not sure dress is original either but it looks good one her . Nice buy !
I believe her dress is older than doll btw .
@Newfld hello and thank you! she really is a pretty doll, I hope to find other things to post on here :) blessings x
@Manikin thank you! Vinyl, got it. Yes, her outfit is very cute :) it's a plastic silk feeling material, her dress might be, but im leaning towards vintage/homemade, also has no tags. thank you! Blessings x