Posted 10 months ago
(1 item)
I am stumped as to where this is from. It is definitely a scale. If you hang something on the toggle, the alligator’s tail rises. I experimented and it took about 3.6 pounds to get the tail all the way up. I am guessing this might have been used in a market to possibly weigh grains. I searched google and found nothing. I wrote to an appraiser at Antique Roadshow who was stumped. He thought it was more Asian than African. I need help as to how to proceed to research this item. Or who might be an expert in this area. It is approximately 25” long from snout to tip of tail and 5” in circumference at widest point. I think it’s quite old and beautiful. If anyone out there has any ideas on moving forward to find information, I would be happy to receive it. I bought it at a second hand shop in Boulder, CO. Thank you for your help!!!
I tend to shy away from Asian items as they tend to be tourist items.