Posted 8 months ago
(1003 items)
An interesting promo from days gone by. It is made of glass, and holds 180Ml of liquid. I have no idea of who promoted these glasses, nor of its age. I'd hazard a guess in saying that these must be rather old as its glass walls are quite thick, as opposed to the thin walls of modern glassware. Also, there is no manufacturer's mark on the glass, thus arriving at more information is made more difficult
This is an intriguing item which probably enticed people to order drinks that they assumed had less alcohol. I used blue food coloring in water to bring out the script without interference from scripts surrounding the outside of the glass.
The first photo depicts the script, and the second shows two of the four scripts that encircle the glass's side.
Look like Eva Zeisel whiskey glasses..
Hi, dav2no1....yes, they do look like Eva Zeisel whiskey glasses. As the Etsy reference states, these were made by Federal Glass. Mine do not have the Federal logo on the bases, so it causes me to think if mine are authentic or not.
Nevertheless less, these are still great looking vessels! I'll keep a lookout for those with the logo and the different colored scripts.
Thanks for your input, which is much appreciated....