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Antique 1-Day Waterbury Steeple Gothlic Cathedral Mantel clock

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Waterbury Clocks1 of 72Waterbury No. 114 "Modernistic"MY Waterbury Wall Clock
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    Posted 8 months ago

    (195 items)

    Hi,so the other day I was shopping my cheap Rummage sale $10 a paper bag grocery size as I was shopping around i was socked to see an antique clock as they usually don’t have antiques or anything of that value but they did I had no idea if it worked but was supposed to see that it still had its key and pendulum I ended up getting a large blue Ikea bag full of stuff all fir $20 including this clock when I got home I wind the clock and attached the pendulum adjusted the pendulum bob and set the clock to the correct time I was able to get the clock to run and keep good time but there is something wrong with the chime makes noise on the hour only chime but the hammer is not hitting the coil something wrong can anyone help also can anyone date this clock 1800’s 1890,s ? I will take more and upload pictures later thanks

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