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1986 K5 BIG CHEVY BLAZER Sally's Truck

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    Posted 8 months ago

    (167 items)

    My neighbor Sally purchased the Blazer "NEW" it had 13 miles on the clock when she picked it up and paid cash for it. The Chevrolet was her baby and was always kept in the garage. She added the stainless running boards , visor over the windshield and a bug deflector. Other than a HiFi cassette radio the car stayed as it came from the factory.

    I moved to the neighborhood in 1992 and started asking her to sell the CHEVY in 1995. Always NOT FOR SALE
    A couple weeks ago I saw her garage was open and the blazer was still there. I had to stop and chat about the truck and tell her once again how much I like her car , leaving a note with my name and number. The next day she called me and sold me the truck.


    1. wickencrafts wickencrafts, 8 months ago
      I drove it home , less than 1 block to my house.
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 8 months ago
      Truck looks super clean, nice buy.
    3. wickencrafts wickencrafts, 8 months ago
      I drove it to local NAPA parts store today "shop truck" to get more brake cleen
      This afternoon went down to a party on JOHN'S Patio for an ICE COLD PEPSI
      Blazer gets lots of attention
      Smiles Per Gallon

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