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Wheaton Arts glass vase

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    Posted 8 months ago

    (1207 items)

    This vase by Wheaton Arts is about 8" high x 5" widest diameter and signed "Wheaton Arts" on the bottom. It has a snapped pontil that has been hot worked a bit. Not sure which artist at WA made this, but I will try to find out. Also not sure of date it was made. There is a bit of green glass on the pontil which may be a clue to the artist for them as knows what is what.

    "Today, WheatonArts consists of over 45 acres with 18 buildings. The Museum of American Glass houses over 22,000 objects, both historic and contemporary, and the Down Jersey Folklife Center. The fully operational Glass Studio presents daily, interpretive demonstrations for the public with artists showing traditional and contemporary glassblowing techniques. In the Artist Studios, artists demonstrate the traditional southern New Jersey crafts of pottery and flameworking. The 1876 Centre Grove Schoolhouse, Museum Stores (General Store, Arthur Gorham Paperweight Shop, Brownstone Holiday Shop, and The Gallery of Fine Craft) and an Event Center complete the complex."

    Update: I heard back from one of the curators at Wheaton Arts and they could not tell me who made this vase, neither could any of the resident artists or staff. Based on the mark, it was made in their production line after 2006 and is thought to have been either a prototype never put into production or a one off design. It is apparently, therefore, unique. I have not seen anything else remotely like this vase from WA.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 8 months ago
      Absolutely beautiful Wheaton vase, the gold & yellow glass are a great blend
    2. kwqd kwqd, 8 months ago
      Thanks for your comments, Jenni! Still waiting to hear back from Wheaton Arts about the artist!

      Thanks for taking a look at my vase, vcal, Merrill33, dav2no1, Vynil33rpm, mikelv85, Bronmar, Kevin, fortapache, PhilDMorris, Beyermann, mp.kunst, Jenni and BHIFOS!
    3. kwqd kwqd, 8 months ago
      Thank you, Drake47 and Leelani!
    4. kwqd kwqd, 8 months ago
      Update: I heard back from one of the curators at Wheaton Arts and they could not tell me who made this, nor could any of the resident artists. Based on the mark it was made after 2006 and is thought to have been either a prototype or one off design. It is apparently, therefore, unique.

      Thanks very much for checking out my vase, kivatinitz!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 7 months ago
      Thanks, Watchsearcher!

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