Posted 8 months ago
(31 items)
This very beautiful ginger jar is in good condition, except for a piece broken off and glued on the small inner lid, and a small shard on the inner rim of the jar. Not disturbing.
The two lids are both signed in red characters and the jar itself on the bottom in gold characters.
The decoration, painted, enamelled and gilded, is truly sublime.
Is this style Kyoto Satsuma ware?
I think around 1890.
Am I close?
Total height: 20cm.
be back i am in hirohige utagawa
you have to learn the SQUARE SYMBOL !!! and the placing of it probably
strange deviation
Dai Nippon
Regarding porcelain marked with Japanese characters Ni or Nichi Hon or Dai Nichi Hon reading Nippon or Dai Nippon (=Japan) written in Japanese kanji characters, this could be found on Japanese porcelain unrelated to customs regulations, clear from the Meiji period (1868-1912) all through the Taisho period (1913-1926) and after what it seems into the 1950s.
Marks where the Dai (great) character is included as in Dai + Nichi + Hon, reading Dai Nippon (= Great Japan), it is generally felt that this on the whole date to the Meiji (1868-1912) period, reflecting the greatly increased nationalism of that period
still kyoto 4th symbol left under solid , hard to copy with all an eight character , could not made sense out of it , is this still officialy nishiki , it probably is
got trouble with the frotte ( the stroking of the mark most see ghost probably , it is a nice vase and the design seemed sound --well done
Vynil33rpm, Thank you for viewing my post. I really appreciate it.
fortapache , nice that you stopped by to take a look. Thank you.
vetraio50, you have a good eye for quality. Your judgment means something to me. Thank you for loving Japanese Ginger Pot.
vcal I really appreciate that you love this Japanese Ginger Pot. Thank you
Thank you Newfld that you love this Japanese Ginger Pot. I really appreciate that.
apostata, Thank you for your time.
I had already understood the Dai Nippon characters and the connection with the Meiji period is clear.
Bronmar, I see you also like Japanese Porcelain. Yes I also find this one very beautiful. Thanks for the love
Thank you mikelv85 for the loving this Japanese pot.
kwqd, you have a good eye for quality. Your judgment means something to me. Thank you for loving this jar.
carmenisacat, Thank you for viewing my post. I really appreciate it.
kivatinitz, I'm glad you have much love for this post, thank you