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Antiques in my 1928 home~hope you enjoy looking.

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    Posted 6 months ago

    (677 items)

    September 14,2024~~Well my house is 96 years old, it’s an American Foursquare and built in 1928. I’ve decided to take all the Gas Station Memorabilia out and put it in the new garage addition. Putting the house contents back to the time it was built. A lot of antique things I’ve found over the years. I’m very happy how it turned out and how it looks now. Hope you all enjoy looking at my collection.


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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 6 months ago
      I liked it better before.
    2. John2Nhoj John2Nhoj, 6 months ago
      You need to adjust the f-stop on your camera, your photos are way too dark to be useful.
    3. Golgatha Golgatha, 6 months ago
      Build in a dark age, it appears ...

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