Posted 6 months ago
(389 items)
I've been looking for one of these water pumps for a long while now. It is used to refill my small boilers with water as needed. The pump is powered by the steam in the boiler pushing a piston back and forth, thus pumping the supply water into the boiler replenishing the much-needed water loss.
The pump can be run when the level of water in the boiler reaches close to low in the sight glass and then shut off until it needs more water, or, if you run the pump slowly, you can maintain a constant speed to add only the amount of water that the boiler uses up while operating a steam engine.
These are as rare as hens teeth, so, when I saw an auction ad for an Amish farm with steam items (one of these pumps shown in the ad), I had to attend. Being only 12" long and 5" high, it is perfect for steam modeler's use.
I didn't try it out yet, so I hope that it functions without any problems, considering what I had to pay for it.
Shh, don't tell my wife. Naw, she came along to the sale and heard all that I had to fork out for my steam fetish.