Posted 5 months ago
(13 items)
Hi everyone ,could I please get your opinions regarding my 1944 moon Mullins comic strip the 2 photos in color are mine. The other is a post I found referencing the comic strip as art. Anyone know anything about comic strips please help me thank you
Art is subjective. It's all a matter of one's own personal artistic taste.
As art you never see any newspaper clippings as collectibles. However I remember reading the newspapers as late as the 60's when the papers carried this strip and was one of my faves !~
You are talking apples and oranges.
Original comic strip artwork is collectible and desirable (what you found online).
It was artist drawn and then reproduced for inclusion in newspapers.
The reproduced versions from a newspaper (what you have) usually don’t have collector value.
Hope this explanation helps out.
Thank you so much Scott that is exactly the kind of info I was hoping to for . I appreciate you taking the time to educate me.