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Our lady of Guadalupe

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    Posted 5 months ago

    (38 items)

    The tiles are4 x4 inch. 15 in all. The beautiful frame measures 27 x 18. Tile portion 19.5 x 11.5 . I purchased this in a thrift store for $14.00 There is a signature but I cant decipher it. Nothing on the reverse except a sticker with the framers' name. Frames Unlimited . Professional picture framing. Michigan .Ohio . Indiana . I Googled ; Our Lady of Guadalupe ceramic tile wall hanging. There are many. I havent found one that is signed. I love the frame as much as the blue tiles. Thank you all. Charles


    1. charlieseaess charlieseaess, 5 months ago
      I wonder if the frame is worth more than the tiles. Although the tiles being signed may make a difference.

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