Posted 6 months ago
(1 item)
I foudn this chest in my mother's home.WE were looking at it and she got interested in the value. But I don't care about the value. I care about knowing the history. maybe where it came from. And more importantly, what this lock is, i have found a few examples of a "Pat'd April 15 1879" engraved lock jsut like the one in the photos. But no one seems to know the original patent or where this came from. Any help would be appreciated.
The Eagle "Victor" lock was patented by G.L. Gaylord April 15 1879.
The monitor trunk design patents were by Phillip Carpeles encompassing two different patents
1. Jan.22,1889 patent # 18,875 (Design of the trunk shape)
2. Aug.6, 1889 (center Slat configuration)
Trunks had many makers and without a label it is impossible to say for sure who made it., Having said that: Carpeles & Heiser and later Carpeles & Hartmann were certainly dominant makers of this type of trunk due to the patents that were held. Hope this helps.