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BHIFOS's loves535 of 4973Very old sideboardKEEN KUTTER & WINCHESTER PADLOCKS
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    Posted 5 months ago

    (19 items)

    1. short pieces are Stevens & Williams glass and the taller one in the middle is Bohemian glass. Very similar looking, but the short vases are a very pale custard glass and the tall vase is just white. All three pieces do react to a UV light though.

    2. Jeannette Glass Co., Cubist pattern covered powder jars.

    3. Just for the fun of it; These things are pretty common and were assembled by different lamp companies, using lamp parts and glassware from different makers. Most often sold as home decor accessory items, where their lamps were sold.

    4. Bournique Glass Company of Kokomo, Indiana c. 1910

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