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Vintage Chinese? Bangle

All items1578 of 245638Stoneware vase unknown signatureVintage necklace
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    Posted 5 months ago

    (2091 items)

    Hello I’ve just rediscovered this very early find , I never did find out where it was from or how old it was, I thought it was ivory but not sure, seems too big for most women to wear. I once so something similar for sale for over 300 but that was about 9 years ago. Hoping someone knows more or has one too. Could it be Chinese

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    1. John2Nhoj John2Nhoj, 5 months ago
      It could be an elephant tusk bracelet, but it's something you should have inspected in person by someone in the know rather than by a photo on an internet message board.
    2. Steptoe1 Steptoe1, 5 months ago
      Nobody deals in elephant tusks round here , those folk are all long gone,

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