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Mcilhaney Dairy Quart Milk Bottle

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (34 items)

    A milk bottle from Mcilhaney dairy in Lubbock Tx and Albuquerque NM They were in operation from 1925-1950. I had trouble getting a good pic. May have to fill it with something. This bottle is probably late 40's. This company was owned by a great uncle of mine. I have been looking for years for one of their bottles and found one. I filled it with white sand. to make it more visible

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    1. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks official fuel
    2. hotkitties, 13 years ago
      For some reason I bet the milk tasted awesome from these bottles ;)
    3. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      Thanks Hotkitties. Unfortunately they went out of business a long time before I came along. My great uncle lived up to his late 90's. He was quite a businessman.
    4. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      They were also one of the last companies to deliver milk by horse drawn carriage
    5. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks Bellin68
    6. ccranford, 13 years ago
      never seen milk bottle like this ,very nice
    7. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks ccranford
    8. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      This is what's called a cream top bottle, the bulbuse neck allowed the cream to rise to the top, to be lifted out with a special spoon.
    9. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks rocker-sd for the info.
    10. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      I will try to post some pictures of the the cream top spoon , and another cream thief ( tool to steal the cream of the top of the bottle)
    11. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks too late and ar8jason
    12. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      I have posted some pictures of a cream top spoon and a similar bottle.
    13. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks yall for the links
    14. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks kerry
    15. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks mikko
    16. tracygary1, 13 years ago
      Cleaned out my parent's store house and found a box with a collection of old bottles and jars. One was a McIlhaney Dairy Products bottle. I think it is great!! Let me know if you would like a pic.
    17. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      yes, tracygary, id love to see the pics... Glad you found a bottle. I haven't found many of them.
    18. tracygary1, 13 years ago
      If you will give me an email address or cell #, I will send you a photo. Not sure how I can attach it on this site. 806-241-8449/
    19. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 10 years ago
      Thanks patsea
    20. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 10 years ago
      Thanks elizabethann
    21. LisaHobart, 9 years ago
      My grandfather was George McIlhaney and was a dairyman. He and his brother both had dairies. I would be very interested in buying this bottle if you ever decide to sell it.
    22. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 9 years ago
      my grandfather was your grandfather's brother. I beleieve I have a smaller version i can send you. emai me at
    23. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 9 years ago
      thanks aura
    24. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 9 years ago
      thanks charmsomeone
    25. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 9 years ago
      Thanks for all the comments. I am glad a lot of folks really like this bottle. It is not for sale, however. My family ran this dairy. Thank you for asking, however.
    26. WilliamMcIlhaney, 8 years ago
      Hello my name is william McIhaney. My grandfather is bill McIlhaney. My grandfather owned a dairy from in albuquerque from the 30s-80s. These bottles came from his brothers farm in texas. My father Steve mcihaney grew up on the dairy farm. He just recently moved back to abq and the only thing that broke in the move was his last milk bottle. Father's day is coming up and I am trying so hard to find my dad a bottle from the farm he grew up on. If you or anyone you know can help me please contact me at 970-623-4815. Thank you!
    27. jandurham, 6 years ago
      My dad's business apparently printed the butter wrappers for McIlhaney's butter in Lubbock. We have one sample wrapper he kept. I'm not looking to sell it, but would love to know more about the McIlhaney company in Lubbock. Do you know of any articles written? If nothing else, I'd love to be able to date the wrapper closer than just 1925-1950. They started printing in 1931 in Lubbock and sold the business in 1994. If you reply to this comment, I think I'll get an email notification, and then maybe we can correspond.

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