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Can't identify material heart is made of on 18k

All items1496 of 245674 1909 one cent Halloween postcard , please duck Donald Mid century modern chair
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    Posted 4 months ago

    (9 items)

    I found this heart pendant necklace. I can't figure out what heart is made of. It does not feel like stone but like something organic, like ivory or something. I wouldn't have given it much thought except the bail is marked 750, so 18k, probably not American made. There is hole that was made which I assume once held a gemstone. Anyone have any ideas?

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 months ago
      I could be totally wrong but here are my thoughts:
      The heart has a golden hue, so maybe representing a “heart of gold”.
      On the reverse side, the zig-zag makes me think it’s representing a “broken heart”.
      And the hole is certainly odd. It seems unlikely that a special stone/jewel would be inset on the back side of the pendant where it would be un-noticed.
      Perhaps the hole is representing “a hole in my heart”, thus a wounded and broken heart.
      …..Just my immediate impression, having never seen another like it……

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