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Soga hand painted fish plate and bowl, Japan.

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Japanese Art Glass1 of 163ART GLASS -- Japan (Foil Label)Sugahara glass hashi (chopsticks)
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    Posted 3 months ago

    (1207 items)

    This Soga fish plate is about 10" in diameter and the bowl is about 6.5" in diameter. Both probably from the 1970s-1980s. They are pressed glass that has been hand painted for the color portions, according to the box these came in. Not marked or labeled but unmistakably by Soga.

    I have been looking for a good example of the Soga fish plate for some time, but they are typically too pricey. I seldom see bowls. Both of these appeared at very reasonable prices which I trimmed a bit by making offers which were accepted. So, feeling like I have too much stuff, but still unable to resist good deals. I may try to hang these as part of my Japanese pottery bathroom decoration, but they are pretty thick, so not sure I can find hangers that will hold them.

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 3 months ago
      Thanks for the fish plate luv, Tilted, vcal, vinetia, PhilDMorris, fortapache, Vynil33rpm, kev123 and Kevin!
    2. Newfld Newfld, 3 months ago
      Kevin this fish bowl/plate is absolutely gorgeous in every way, love that lavender 'blush' across the center
    3. sklo42 sklo42, 3 months ago
      I too think this is gorgeous, truly a feast for the eyes.
    4. kwqd kwqd, 3 months ago
      Thanks for your comments, Jenni. I was happy to finally add one of these to my collection.

      Thanks for your comments, sklo42! These fish themed pieces from Soga are pretty popular among collectors of Japanese glass.

      Thanks for loving my fish plate, mikelv85, Blammoammo, JJansen, Bronmar, prettymollie, Drake47, rgrebov, Kevin, chen50, Leelani, dav2no1, Merrill33 and Jenni!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 3 months ago
      Thanks, WhenIsraelbelieves, kivatinitz and jscott0363!

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