Posted 22 days ago
(24 items)
Under the Administration of President Ronald Reagan many White House traditions were created. The White House ornament sponsored by the White House Historical Association, for example, was started as a fundraiser in 1981, but also small candy gifts were introduced. The President's favorite Jelly Belly jellybeans were a particular favorite as he tended to snack on them, to the First Lady's dismay, regularly throughout the day.
Today, the candy gifts feature specially packaged presidential treats from the major candy manufacturers including M&M Mars, Whitman Chocolates and Hershey's with their kisses and chocolate bars seen in the samples above from Presidents Joe Biden's Hershey Kisses, Barack Obama's M&M's, Donald Trump's Hershey chocolate bar with a Halloween orange wrap and his own Jelly Belly stars and stripes box along with a Whitman Sample from Bill Clinton. All feature the official Seal of the President and a printed signature except for the Whitman sample which bears no signature, but is known to be from Bill Clinton's Administration.
Each of the companies provide the candies specially wrapped at nominal cost to each Administration.