Posted 2 months ago
(1 item)
My grandfather purchased this oil painting in 1972 at the JL Husdon's Gallery in Detroit for $100. I've always loved it, so I was over the moon when it was recently passed down to me. Even in this day and age -- I cannot for the life of me -- find ANY information about the artist except that he was born in Paris in 1910 and loves painting women as his subjects. I've searched the Smithsonian and Frick National Archives, Library of Congress and nothing comes up about this artist. I found a little information about the JL Hudson Gallery but didn't see anything about 'Garna'. I would love to know if I need to get it appraised or insured however, at this point it's the mystery part that is so intriguing to me! The signature on the front almost looks like Gomez? I guess because Garna doesn't sound French to me...
I wonder if the others who have oils by Garna also live in Michigan or surrounding areas? This is what I found about the JL Hudson Gallery:
Welcome to CW. I kept thinking this name sounds familiar..I had commented on another post 2 years ago..